Tag: girls

5 Unique Ways To Heal after a Breakup
5 Unique Ways To Heal after a BreakUp:
I know what it is like to go through a break up in this article I have listed 5 unique ways to get over a breakup. I have heard many cliché ways on how to get over a breakup but I think it’s time to reinvent yourself…literally. Hope you like:
1- Go Salsa dancing, I am so serious, it is so fun and really opens you up. You dance with strangers who are just looking to have a goodtime and not worry about the pain from their past. Try it out
2- Watch, “Everybody Loves Raymond and the “King of Queens”- if this doesn’t make you laugh till your belly hurts, then I don’t know what to tell you lol. Seriously try it out
3-Buy an outfit that makes you feel sexy- it will really make you feel great about yourself and then you can look at yourself in the mirror and realize you are so much better without them : )
4- Go to an amusement park and get a sundae, I love amusement parks and well they make me happy- try it out
5- Go on vacation with some friends and realize the world is so much more than a broken relationship. Sometimes people are only there to teach you one thing, we mess up when we confuse seasonal people with lifetime people. Accept the universe and party like it’s 1999 or just do all the things that make you happy and smile.
Thanks for Reading

3 Ways to Keep Her Interested
3 Ways to Keep Her Interested
Sometimes after being in a relationship for a long time things can get repetitive and monoutous. And sometimes women lose interest. Here are some things that you can do to keep her interested or keep the relationship alive.
Surprise her. I cannot stress this enough, women love surprises and even if they say they don’t they do. But it has to be a well thought out surprise. For example: cook her dinner one day, send flowers to her job, write her a song, and do it all just because- this will keep definitely keep her interested, in fact she might be smitten
Give her time to miss you. Now I am not an advocate for games in which you wait 2/3 days to call, but I think it is always nice to spend time doing stuff with your friends and for yourself and then coming back to your significant other. Distance definitely makes the heart goes fonder.
Take her out somewhere different that you haven’t gone too, or some place that you don’t normally go. For example: a broadway play, a live show, a concert, laser tag, beach, picnic, fireworks, exotic cuisine